It’s an exciting day here at Four Seasons Fitness as 7 truck loads of new equipment have just arrived. This will be a little chaotic here today as crews will be replacing and removing a lot of our older equipment and replacing them with brand new Nautilus One, Nautilus Impact Lock & Load, Nautilus Inspiration, StairMaster Guantlets, Precor elliptical’s, Star Trac VersaStriders and even a much requested Captains Chair! As a reminder some area’s of the gym will be closed off during the install for safety reasons and so as not to interfere with installation process. The women’s locker room will also have men workers in the room installing new equipment starting at around 12pm. The women’s locker room will remain open during this time, but the private women’s workout room will be closed until the install is completed. About 18 workers ill be involved in installing all of the new equipment and they hope to finish in time for this evening. We take a lot of pride in having more equipment than other club, but also in having the best equipment. We’ve purchased the best of the best, so make sure to stop by and checkout all of the new equipment. If you have any questions call Four Seasons Fitness at 856-881-9418.